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Teaching to Transgress
Bell Hook

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White Fragility
Robin Diangelo

51W93uj1ezL 2

How to Be an Antiracist
Ibram X Kendi

51W93uj1ezL 4

Ibram X Kendi

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Antiracist Baby
Ibram X Kendi

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KendiOur Time Is Now
Stacey AbramsHip

51W93uj1ezL 6

Hop’s Lil Sistas Speak
Bettina Love

51W93uj1ezL 7

Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies
Django Paris

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Pedagogy of the Oppressed
Paulo Friere

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The Souls of Black Folk. W.E.B Dubois

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Between the World & MeTa-Nehisi Coates

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The Dreamkeepers
Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings

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We Want to Do
More that Survive
Bettina Love

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For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood
Christopher Emdin

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Courageous Conversations About Race
Glenn E. Singleton

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“We’ve Been Doing It Your Way Long Enough”


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Culturally Responsive
Teaching & the Brain
Zaretta Hammond

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Empowering Education
Ira Shor

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Race, Racism, and American Law
Daniel Bell

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Shook One
Charlamagne tha God

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Critical Race Theory
Richard Delgado &
Jean Stefancic
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Me and White Supremacy
Layla Saad

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So you want to talk about race
Ijeoma Oluo

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The New Jim Crow
Michelle Alexander

Educator Resources

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